Friday, May 2, 2008

It's the Total Recut Video Remix contest, Lawrence Lessig, and Net Neutrality

"Create a short video remix that explains what Remix Culture means to you. Using video footage from any source, including Public Domain and Creative Commons licensed work, we want you to produce a creative, educational and entertaining video remix that communicates a clear message to a wide audience. The video is to be no shorter than 30 seconds and no longer then 3 minutes in duration.

"This contest is being run to promote awareness of remix culture in an educational capacity by encouraging the fair use of a wide variety of content and also to create a new pool of work that explains what remix culture is to the general public."

One of the judges is Lawrence Lessig, who is to the remix culture' sort of what Allen Ginsberg was to the beat generation and who is depicted by Brett Gaylor in his video "The Lessig Remix":

I, of course, found all this via Lessig's own blog. And Lessig, of course, was recently publicly criticized for espousing a "quasi-Socialist Utopianism" and for being "a demagogue and a hypocrite" who wants "Soviet"-style, "Orwellian" intellectual property laws because somehow those law will convince "America to embrace 'the idea of placing the design of the Internet into the hands of government.'"

At bottom, this criticism isn't aimed at Lessig's views on copyright, but, rather, his arguments for "Net Neutrality":

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